Dreaming The World Into Being - One Thought At A Time

The phrase ‘Dreaming the world into being’ evokes in me the rich depth and potential of the tapestry of human life. The first time I heard the expression was during my energy medicine training in the indigenous Andean traditions of South America. All these years later, it still sings to me. But what does it really mean? How can we dream a better world into being? 

One of my fondest joys is discovering life’s contrasts and hidden contradictions. ‘Dreaming the world into being’ is multidimensional like that. It conjures the profound mystical wisdom of indigenous ways, and hides in plain sight in the everyday actions of human existence.

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The oddest description I’ve heard of the law of manifestation is this:

The universal mind, among its many functions, acts like a big hopper. Whatever we put into this all-encompassing hopper exists in readiness to manifest in our lives. What goes into the hopper? Whatever we focus on. . . our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, actions. What comes out of the hopper? Whatever we focus on most consistently and with the most emotional charge drops out of the hopper into our lives.

At the heart of this simple portrayal lies a fundamental truth: thoughts give direction to the creative power of life. 

As sentient beings, we get to choose which thoughts go into the hopper and empower our lives. We are not helpless little boats bobbing along on the river of life. We are conductors directing the symphony of our lives. What we often forget, however, is that alongside the gift of creative power comes creative responsibility.

Simple doesn’t always mean easy. Our lives are shaped not only by our conscious thoughts, but also by our subconscious thoughts, patterns and experiences, along with generations of cultural conditioning. This cultural conditioning, although innocent in its way, has a profound impact on our lives, preventing us from perceiving deeper and truer ways of living, relating and being in the world.

So how do we see through the well-intentioned but limiting conceptions of the past and dream the highest world reality into being? 

We can take inspiration from the wisdom keepers of all traditions who were master gardeners of their inner being. Clearing the inner grooves of the dusty past freed them to command forth clear and powerful visions for the benefit of all life. 

Thankfully, we don’t have to be great masters to start changing our lives, or human destiny. It is simple mathematics. A change in thoughts = a change in the world. A change in heart even more so. For every human being has the gift of choice in their action in the matrix of life, the dreamtime.

Here’s a few ideas to add to your transformational toolbox and set free your gifts for the world waiting patiently within. Use what works and leave the rest for others. Hopefully they inspire you to tend your inner garden and build a better world for you, and consequently for us all - one thought at a time.

On a personal level:

Develop a positive outlook. A positive attitude is a life sustaining force.  Avoid negativity, which drains life force.

Cultivate gratitude. Gratitude devours negative attitudes and builds up life force.

Practice intention and attention. Hold the focus of your intention on the highest outcome and give it consistent attention. 

Cultivate an awareness of your conscious and subconscious thoughts. Commit yourself to  gently weeding the garden of your thoughts and motivations.

Cultivate an attitude that says “Yes” to thoughts you want to flourish and “No” to thoughts that arise out of fear, worry and doubt. You have command over which thoughts go into the hopper by accepting or rejecting them and determining the amount of energy you give them. This is a divine right and is therefore absolute. But only if we use it.

One way to confront the inner ‘voices’ of fear, worry and doubt is to silently ask them “Is this true?” immediately as they arise. Your inner being will give you an inner knowing of what is really true. As a bonus, acting in this way has an instant centering effect. Silently affirm the real truth that reflects the authentic you.

Most thoughts and feelings of fear, worry and doubt are just reverberations of past experiences and inherited social influences. Challenging them stops them in their tracks. If you can make this a habit, the unwanted reverberations will gradually diminish and a newfound, deeply rooted confidence will slowly but surely emerge. 

Above all, be gentle with yourself. Forgive yourself daily. Our souls, by virtue of being born on Earth, agreed to temporarily assume the mantel of the limiting cultural conditioning of our times. 

On a world level:

Choose only the highest thoughts and feelings towards yourself and others. See the good in all people and all things, because all that is true is good. Let that be your intention and attention.

Practice a larger perspective. The broader the perspective the more truth and life it is likely to contain. You will see silver linings of light and love in even the most dire circumstances and bring light and love to them.

Leave the past be. This is a deeper meaning of Jeshua’s words ‘let the dead bury the dead.’ The state of the world is, in this moment, a reflection of the thoughts and actions of people in the past. In that sense it really is yesterday’s news. Repeatedly criticizing what’s wrong in the world today simply recirculates yesterday’s failed results, supercharged with newly minted negative thoughts, back into the hopper. That is why history repeats itself. Focus on positive solutions, desired outcomes and larger perspectives. If all else fails, be happy.

Remember that humanity is, in spite of appearances, slowly but surely throwing off the yoke of its inherited collective past. Like all of life, this happens from the inside out - first on the spiritual level, then in more or less cascading order through our various energetic, mental, emotional and finally material realities. Be patient.

Remember too, we are all innocent at heart. For many in these profoundly transformative times, through no fault of their own, the only way forward may be expressing through their pain and fear. This is unfortunate, but we see it everyday in the news. Be gentle. 

Here is the deepest secret. From deep within your heart of hearts, hold the highest vision for yourself and the world. Trust this vision, and trust yourself. Your vision is the dream of Life seeking to express through you.

Life is a grand tapestry, and it needs all the threads.

Matisay Shandah