Evolutionary Healing


 You Are The Sovereign Ruler of Your Life

You are the sovereign ruler of your life, your body, your mind, your health and your well-being. You have the power and gift of choice. You have the gift of life, which is the Power of Love in action. Nobody, past or present, can own your allegiance or live your life for you.

The purpose of Evolutionary Healing, this website and the opportunities it affords is simply to remind you of this singular Truth - that you are an Embodiment of Love.

I know that You Are An Eternal Being. Nonetheless, don’t take my word for it. You have the capacity within you - that you use everyday whether you are aware of it or not - to distill everything that life presents you through the crucible of your heart’s wisdom, intuitively testing in every moment what rings clear and true, and what goes “clank”. Please do this with my offerings and the information in this website. They are not everybody’s truth, and I respect and love them for that.

It is your fundamental right as a human being to decide for yourself what is best for you according to the best information that you can gather. And decide again if that information changes.

As the great Zen master D.T. Suzuki said:

“Each of you is perfect the way you are ... and you can use a little improvement.” 

“The most important point is to accept yourself and stand on your two feet.” 

My offering, as a friend and ally on the journey of life, is to help you recognize and experience the perfect love that you are. And I dedicate myself to doing so to the best of my ability. But I cannot take that journey for you. In the end, you are solely responsible for the choices you make in life.

I love you.



Healing is a "We Event"

You matter. Your beliefs, your experiences, and your desires matter. It is your willingness and your openness to show up on behalf of yourself that create the space for healing to occur. Nobody can do that for you.